Oil Paintings
Chipping Sparrow /
Bruant familier
oil on oil paper
10x8 / 25x20cm
Bohemian Waxwind /
Jaseur boréal
9x12 / 28x30cm
Coming in for Landing!
oil on oil paper
8x9 / 20x28cm
Chickadee / Mésange 2
Chickadee / Mésange
Pileated Woodpecker /
Grand Pic
Ink and Watercolour
I call these my COVID birds, because new circumstances which shortened my work day forced me to shift away from plein air and oil painting, to focus on smaller projects. There are many more birds on my Sketchbook page.
Crow / Corneille
ink and watercolour
Robin / Merle
ink and watercolour
Robin / Merle
ink and watercolour
White-Breasted Nuthatch /
Sitelle à poitrine blanche 2
ink and watercolour
White-Breasted Nuthatch /
Sitelle à poitrine blanche
ink and watercolour
Chipping Sparrow / Bruant familier
ink and watercolour
Chipping Sparrow
Bruant familier 2
Song Sparrow / Bruant chanteur
ink and watercolour
Dark-Eyed Junco /Junco ardoisé
ink and watercolour
Dark-Eyed Junco /Junco ardoisé 2
ink and watercolour
Dark-Eyed Junco /Junco ardoisé 3
ink and watercolour
Robin / Merle
ink and watercolour
Bohemian Waxwing / Jaseur boréal
ink and watercolour
Ruby Crowned Kinglet /
Roitelet à couronne rubis
ink and watercolour