Here are some of my "practice" birds. Try, try again.
Great-Crested Flycatcher /
Tyran huppé
Great-Crested Flycatcher /
Tyran huppé
Great-Crested Flycatcher /
Tyran huppé
Blue Jay / Geai bleu
Blue Jay / Geai bleu
Blue Jay / Geai bleu
Blue Jay / Geai bleu
Dark-Eyed Junco / Junco ardoisé
Dark-Eyed Junco / Junco ardoisé
Dark-Eyed Junco / Junco ardoisé
Crow / Corneille
Crow / Corneille
Crow / Corneille
Crow / Corneille
Red-Breasted Nuthatch /
Sitelle à poitrine rousse
White-Breasted Nuthatch /
Sitelle à poitrine blanche
White-Breasted Nuthatch /
Sitelle à poitrine blanche
White-Breasted Nuthatch /
Sitelle à poitrine blanche
White-Breasted Nuthatch /
Sitelle à poitrine blanche
White-Breasted Nuthatch /
Sitelle à poitrine blanche
Common Yellowthroat (female) /
Paruline masquée
Common Yellowthroat (female)/
Paruline masquée
Common Yellowthroat (female)/
Paruline masquée
Palm Warbler/
Paruline à couronne rousse
Ruby Crowned Kinglet /
Roitelet à couronne rubis
Ruby Crowned Kinglet /
Roitelet à couronne rubis
Black Capped Chickadee /
Mésange à tête moire
Song Sparrow /
Bruant chanteur
Song Sparrow /
Bruant chanteur
Song Sparrow /
Bruant chanteur
Song Sparrow /
Bruant chanteur
Downy Woodpecker /
Pic mineur
White-Throated Sparrow /
Bruant à la gorge blanche
White-Throated Sparrow /
Bruant à la gorge blanche
White-Throated Sparrow /
Bruant à la gorge blanche
White-Throated Sparrow /
Bruant à la gorge blanche
White-Throated Sparrow /
Bruant à la gorge blanche
White-Throated Sparrow /
Bruant à la gorge blanche
White-Throated Sparrow /
Bruant à la gorge blanche
White Throated Sparrow /
Bruant chanteur
White-Throated Sparrow /
Bruant à la gorge blanche
Bohemian Waxwing / Jaseur boréal
Bohemian Waxwing / Jaseur boréal
Red-eyed Vireo / Viréo aux yeux rouges
Red-eyed Vireo / Viréo aux yeux rouges
American Robin / Merle d'Amérique
Chickens / Poules
Chick / Poussin
I spend hours sitting at my son's hockey practices. I started sketching the hockey players... Ouch! They move fast! And they never stop moving. It's the nature of skates, and of children wearing skates. One-second gesture drawings! Definitely a challenge! And good for the visual memory. As I became familiar with the typical hockey gestures, the fun began.
Scroll down for more drawings NOT about hockey.
House in Vanier, Ottawa
Woods at Les Toits du Monde, QC
Tipi at Les Toits du Monde, QC
National Military Cemetary
Manor Park House, Ottawa
Beechwood Ave, Ottawa
Barn at Museum of Agriculture, Ottawa
Cummings Bridge, Ottawa
Pig / Cochon
Pine Cone / Pomme de pin
Pine Cone / Pomme de pin